The GURPS Web-Worlds Template for Gor-Li


To find a description of the GURPS Basic Rules try the GURPSlight. A free PDF Edition (auch erhältlich als PDF in deutsch) from Steve Jakson Games

Project: The Timeless World of Gor-Li  
Designer: Matthias Feist <>  
Member Cluster: Our own Universe and some parallels of it. Some other SF & F Universes.  
Worlds: Gor-Li Star system, many others in the surrounding Universe (see SPECIAL CONDITIONS )  
Genre: Science Fantasy  
Baseline: dimensional drifting pocket universe, full range of all Tech Levels depending on dimensional position  

Some permanent, some time dependant, some position dependant. The only really permanent connections are the projection of the pocket universe in other surrounding parallel universes and the possibility of the independent materialization of the Black Tower of Time on other worlds or time/tech level positions on Gor-Li.  
It exist also some Gates that can be used to open short time to other dimensions and worlds but only if the magic / tech / psyonic levels are not to far from the levels on the other side. These connections are not blocked energetic barrier describe down.  
Also it is possible to reach the pocket universe from the surrounding universe via hyper space, but the surrounding universe must be on the same dimensional position (quantum level) as the pocket universe. at higher Tech Levels the pocket universe is also protected by an energetic barrier that prevent uncontrolled connection to the surrounding host-universe.  

Tech level Range: LO:TL 1  AV:TL 6 ( dimensional position depending!) HI: TL 16+  
Maximum Tech Level: TL14 (Only things from inside the pocket universe can be higher)  
Exceed Max. Tech: Things with TL14 and higher don't work correctly but can sometimes used with a high possibility of malfunction or high energy loss. Sometimes the objects are completely useless or destroyed.  
Special Notes:  

Magic System: Spell and ritual magic  
Mana Level: a few places are high and some more normal mostly the level is low. at higher tech level the man a level decrease to a point were only the high Mana levels exist as low mana points.  
Magic Restrictions:  
Special Magic Notes: Ritual magic is handled as the mana level would be one level higher as existing. Also Religious rituals are often also magic rituals. also some magic include use of psionic.  

Indigenous types:  
Max. Level:  
Psionic Restrictions:  
Special Notes:  

Denizens: Gorlian humanoids, a semi intelligent animal race called Lemu-Vari  
Varieties allowed: around 3 main sub races of the Gorlian humanoids, the Lemu-Vari and some other few semi intelligent animal races like sea dragons.  
Special Notes: not known yet  

Multi-Planar: The Gor-Li Dimension is handled like an anchor in its own anchor - dimension who has also a sub-dimensional anchor known as the black tower of time. centred to these anchors all unknown surrounding dimensions can be accessed in placing the GorLi universe/dimension as a kind of pocket universe in these dimensions.  
Space faring: It is possible to access the Gor-Li pocket dimension by a hyper space jump from the surrounding host-universe. also it is possible to access the place, in witch the black tower of time materialize as a projection, in travelling on ground like it would be a natural geological place. Flight access is not possible.  

 See also :  
Timeline, Stories, Culture, Places, Geology,  

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Copyright by _RosE_ of the Black Tower of Time . Last Update 2002-11-19 19:52
"Black Tower of Time", "Gor'Li Dimension" "_RosE_", is trademark of Matthias Feist